# use an image called 'node' from dockerhub and call it 'build-stage'
FROM node AS build-stage
# create directory called '/app' and set it as the current directory
# Copy files from the local machine to the current directory of the
# image ('/app')
# COPY local-path image-path
COPY . .
# run commands within the image
RUN npm install && npm run build
RUN npm install -g serve
# copy serve.json from within the image to the dist directory
# the dist directory is created after `npm run build`
RUN cp serve.json ./dist/serve.json
# the commands to run when the docker image is executed
ENTRYPOINT ["serve", "-p", "80", "./dist/"]
The above are commented because it was used to serve built react app using
nginx in
place of
As a single page app, it mounts from index.html and uses client-side routing when on a route other than /, doing a hard refresh would result in a 404 error since the route doesn’t
exist on the server. The way to fix this is to point all GET requests to the server to / or serve
the index.html file.
I’m sure there’s a way to do this in nginx but I don’t know it. I don’t have much experience
using/configuring nginx but serve had an easy way to do it. i just have to define a
rewrites property inside serve.json (
serve docs).