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Published May 5, 2023 Last updated May 5, 2023 Edit Source

cargo-wix is a tool to create windows installers.

if there are multiple .exe files where main.exe depends on the others, a bundle can be created.

generating a windows guid in powershell: [guid]::NewGuid() guid tutorial

setting custom default directory: helpful stackoverflow answer

add this element: <SetDirectory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Value="[WindowsVolume]custom_dir"/> where the Value is the custom directory [WindowsVolume] is the base path, like C:\

with cargo-wix generated .wix file, replace the Id of the Directory element with name PFiles from $(var.PlatformProgramFilesFolder) to INSTALLFOLDER.

then add the ComponentGuidGenerationSeed property to the Directory element with the id of APPLICATIONFOLDER <Directory Id='APPLICATIONFOLDER' Name='focal_point' ComponentGuidGenerationSeed="c75138eb-a0a8-4d47-a5fa-41cf7145c4cc">